E-mail: lfgao@wtu.edu.cn
2007.9~2011.7 合肥工业大学 应用化学 本科
2011.9~2016.6 中国科技大学 分析化学 研究生
2016.6~至今 yL23411永利官网登录 讲师
1. Gao Lingfeng, He Chiyang*,Application of nanomaterials decorated with cyclodextrins as sensing elements for environment analysis, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021,28:59499–59518.
2. Gui Yunyun, Wang Yihe, He Chiyang, Tan Zhouqing, Gao Lingfeng*, Li Wei* and Bi Huiting, Multi-optical signal channel gold nanoclusters and their application in heavy metal ions sensing arrays, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9, 2833-283.
3. Gao, Lingfeng, Ju, Li, Cui, Hua*, Chemiluminescent and fluorescent dual-signal graphene quantum dots and their application in pesticide sensing arrays, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5(31): 7753~7758.
4. Gao, Lingfeng, He, Xiao, Ju, Li, Liu, Xiaoying, Li, Fang, Cui, Hua*, A label-free method for the detection of specific DNA sequences using gold nanoparticles bifunctionalized with a chemiluminescent reagent and a catalyst as signal reporters,Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016,408(30):8747~8754.
5. Gao, Lingfeng, Ju, Li, Cui, Hua*, Determination of the binding constant of specific interactions and binding target concentration simultaneously using a general chemiluminescence method,RSC Advances,2016,6(7):5305~5311.
6. Gao, Lingfeng, Zhang, Hongli, Cui, Hua*, A general strategy to prepare homogeneous and reagentless GO/lucigenin&enzyme biosensors for detection of small biomolecules., Biosensors & Bioelectrons,2014,57:65~70.
7. Huang Yao, Gao Lingfeng, andCui Hua* "Assembly of multifunctionalized gold nanoparticles with chemiluminescent, catalytic, and immune activity for label-free immunoassays", ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2018, 10, 20,17040-17046.
8. Liu, Yating; Shen, Wen; Li,Qi; Shu, Jiangnan; Gao, Lingfeng; Ma, Mingming; Wang, Wei; Cui, Hua, Firefly-mimicking intensive and long-lasting chemiluminescence hydrogels, Nature Communications,2017.10.17, 8.
9. Kong, Weijun; Zhao, Xiaoning; Zhu, Qiuju; Gao, Lingfeng; Cui, Hua, Highly Chemiluminescent Magnetic Beads for Label-Free Sensing of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene, Analytical Chemistry, 2017.6.15,89(13): 7145~7151.
10. Liu, Xiaoying; Han, Zhili; Li, Fang; Liang, Gaolin; Gao, Lingfeng, Cui, Hua*, Highly Chemiluminescent Graphene Oxide Hybrids Bifunctionalized by N-(Aminobutyl)-N-(Ethylisoluminol)/Horseradish Peroxidase and Sensitive Sensing of Hydrogen Peroxide, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2015, 7(33): 18283~18291.
11. Han, Zhili, Li, Fang, Shu, Jiangnan, Gao, Lingfeng, Liu, Xiaoying, Cui, Hua*, Acridinium Ester-Functionalized Carbon Nanomaterials: General Synthesis Strategy and Outstanding Chemiluminescence, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2016.01.01, 8(27), 17454~17460.
12. He, Yi, He, Xiao, Liu, Xiaoying, Gao, Lingfeng, Cui, Hua*, Dynamically tunable chemiluminescence of luminol-functionalized silver nanoparticles and its application to protein sensing arrays,Analytical Chemistry, 2014.01.01, 86(24), 12166~12171.
13. Li Shiyuan; Chen, Duyu; Zhou, Qingtong; Wang, Wei; Gao, Lingfeng; Jiang, Jie; Liang, Haojun; Liu, Yangzhong; Liang, Gaolin; Cui, Hua(*) A general chemiluminescence strategy for measuring aptamer-target binding and target concentration, Analytical Chemistry, 2014,86(11): 5559~5566.
14. Gao Lingfeng, Ju Li, Li Shiyuan, and Cui Hua, A general strategy for simultaneous determination of binding constant of specific interactions and binding target concentration, 19th International Symposium on Bioluminescence &Chemiluminescence, Tsukuba, Japan, 2016.5.29-2016.6.2
15. Gao Lingfeng, Zhang Hongli, Cui Hua, Chemiluminescence biosensors for small biomolecules based on enzyme/lucigenin/graphene oxide nanocomposites, The 14th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Nanjing, China, 2014.3.29-2014.4.1
(1) 高凌峰; 李伟; 何池洋; 桂云云; 杨雅雯 ; 一种具有多光信号通道的金纳米团簇, 2020-11-13, 中国, CN202011304909.8 (专利)
(2) 高凌峰; 李伟; 何池洋; 桂云云; 阮聪文 ; 一种具有多光信号通道的金纳米团簇的制备方法, 2020-11-13, 中国, CN202011304908.3 (专利)
(3) 高凌峰; 李伟; 何池洋; 桂云云; 王嘉伟 ; 一种具有多光信号通道的金纳米团簇的应用, 2020-11-13, 中国, CN202011304910.0 (专利)